Phase 1 - ONLINE


These contents were created with contributions of

Manfred Kohler, Andreas Pippow, Ann-Kathrin Bernards, Jacqueline Ullmann, Franziska Scallan, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Herman van Vlijmen, Alexandra Grebe de Baron, Dorothy Reilly, Md. Rezaul Karim, Alejandra Delfin-Rossaro, Gauthier Chassang, Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Laurence Mabile, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Robert Giessmann, Phil Gribbon 
The modules

Leerer Titel

Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen Why FAIR?
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen What is FAIRplus doing?
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen Driving Change in Data Management Culture
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen Data Ethics
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen Interim Hosting
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen FAIRification Goal & Project Examination
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen FAIR Assessment
Lernmodul SCORM
Öffnen FAIR implementation: Google Dataset Search
The workshops
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